Monday, December 8, 2008

Rubik's Cube Geeks

Joey and I had an uneventful weekend - Joey worked long hours during the week and just wanted time too relax. Saturday, we babysat for some friends while they went to their office Christmas party. I showed their 5 year old girl how to make some slime and it seemed like Joey had just as much fun as she did. I forgot to take pictures, but don't worry, I know Joey will want to make it again soon, so I'll take pictures then.

I call Joey and his co-workers Rubik's Cube Geeks because they bring in their Rubik's Cubes to work and solve them. I have no patience for them or learning how to solve them. But Joey has a fascination with them, so on Sunday he attempted to teach me how to solve it, and I'm embarrassed to say ... I'm a Rubik's Cube Geek, too!

Joey has 3 Rubik's Cubes. Two are the normal 3x3 square blocks, one regular size and one jumbo size. His third one is a bit tricky (I have yet to solve it), it has a silver mirror tint on all sides and composed of 3x3 varying rectangle sizes. So when you jumble up the cube, it creates an odd shape (see below) .

If anyone is stumped on what to get Joey for Christmas, you can get him any type of Rubik's Cube. I think he wants the 5x5 next!

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