Friday, October 31, 2008

U.S. Dollar vs. Yen

The Yen rate has gone to the pooper, along with the economy (based on the numerous companies that are downsizing and house foreclosures). But, thankfully the military takes care of us! When I arrived in July, it was 107¥ = $1, as of yesterday it was 93¥ = $1. We needed to withdraw money for our rent, so waiting for the rates to increase a little bit was not an option. I have to check Joey's paychecks to see if the military adjusts our Housing Allowance according to the current Yen rate.

Living overseas, I have two wallets. One with my U.S. dollars & coins and another with my Yen. Although, I'm trying to stop carrying as much U.S. dollars because I only use them when I go on base, where I can use my card. A word to the wise, those who are planning on visiting us, don't bring any pennies! On base, they don't accept them. When paying in cash, they either round up or down. When paying with a card, they charge the full amount.

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