Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sound Proof? No.

When we first moved into our place, Joey said that our windows were sound proof. Well, he was wrong. And now, I think our neighbors either must hate us or think there's something wrong with us ... or both.

Joey's car is loud. I always know when he gets home, even if the TV is on and I'm cooking with the vent on, because his exhaust is so loud. He leaves for work so early and when he starts his car, I'm sure he wakes up our downstairs neighbor because their bedroom window is right above our parking space. And I think the dad works the night shift, so he's probably trying to sleep around the time Joey leaves.

Also, I'm ticklish, and Joey likes to take advantage of that. Practically everyday he would tickle attack me, and of course, I run away from him and scream for dear life. And every single time, he tells me to be quieter because the neighbors are going to be suspicious. Why doesn't he stop tickling me then? I don't know.

My poor neighbors.