Monday, August 18, 2008

6 Months

Joey and I just celebrated our 6 Month Wedding Anniversary! Yay! Everyone always asks us, "So, how's the married life?" All I can respond is, "Great!", because it is! I'm living on a tropical island, finally done with school, don't have to worry about working just yet, and I have the best husband in the world!

Our transition into married life has been a breeze, so far. Zero fights. 100% love. Corny, I know! But really, I'm having so much fun being married! I guess being in a semi-long distance relationship prior to getting married and having great communication can also attribute to our happy marriage.

So, what did we do on our anniversary? The night before, Joey came home from work and surprised me with 6 pink roses and a 'Happy Anniversary' balloon. The next day, we went out to eat at an Italian restaurant called Marino's. Then we went to the PX to get Joey a PS3 (which he asked for constantly every weekend for the past months), Guitar Hero - The Aerosmith Edition, and the movie '300'. I started to get jealous, so Joey bought me a red DS Lite and the game 'Gourmet Chef'! On our way home, we stopped by Family Mart and got some bento boxes, with the intention of going to the beach later to eat dinner there. But once we got home, we couldn't wait, and played our games!

Joey's presents.

My presents.

Getting a DS Lite is a pretty big deal for me. Growing up with all girls in my house, we played with Barbie's, talked on the phone, played games on the computer (i.e. 'Oregon Trail'), and shopped. The only game consoles we ever had in our house was the old school Game Boy, which upgraded to a Game Boy Advance for a short period of time, until we stopped playing with it. Before that, we had the original Nintendo, where you had to blow into the cartridge, and bang on it a couple of times before you insert it in. Oh, the days of playing 'Duck Hunt' and 'Zelda'.

1 comment:

aviva5271 said...

THIS is classic. (In September, hubby & I celebrate our 10th anniversary of our first meeting - after we found each other on the internet - which wasn't that common in '98.) We have a Wii, PS3, 2 DSes (one is our daughter's), a PSP, 5 iPods (ugh, I know) and now... AN iPHONE! Enjoy the new toys- Rock Band is better than Guitar Hero for us - we have a band - Mia sings and Craig plays drums while I hack away on Guitar. It's a blast. Happy 6-month - here's to many more! Did you like Merino's? We love that place.