Tuesday, September 8, 2009


We got a puppy - everyone, meet Keiko! Pronounced kay-co and it means "happy child" in Japanese.

She's an eight week old Toy Poodle and so adorable! I tried to measure and weigh her to give you an idea of how small she is. I failed, sort of. She stands six inches off the ground (from the floor to the top of her back). And I would guess-timate she's about two pounds. Tiny!

The potty training has been ... interesting. The first night we got her, we put her on our bed, saw her crouch her butt down, and Joey dove and caught her poop mid-air! Then, he thought she was done, so he put her down on the floor and washed his hands while I laughed, hysterically. And 30 seconds later, we found a brown trail on the floor. Guess she wasn't done!

Getting ready to attack her favorite toy!

With Keiko in the apartment now, I never know if Joey is talking to me or her! We love her and are a proud new Mommy and Daddy!


Charity said...

That last picture is hilarious!

Chris and Amy said...

Joey is more dedicated than I am. I haven't caught any poop midair!

Charity said...

She is ADORABLE!! We were wanting to get a cat for Colby, but after seeing her, I may need a toy poodle!! :-)

Mary and Sean said...

This puppy is the most adorable thing! I want to squeeze it!