Saturday, September 6, 2008


A little while ago, Joey sent out an email to our family that said something like this:

TITLE: GREAT NEWS! Liza and I are expecting ...
EMAIL: ..... you to be really excited, because I got promoted!

Of course, at the end we put a disclaimer that we are NOT expecting a baby. We got a lot of replies back, the funniest being from one of Joey's sisters where she starts her email off with, "You stupid ass!"

Although I am not ready to have babies of my own anytime soon, I have had some practice recently of what it would be like, sort of. Our friends have asked me to babysit their 10 month old son, being that they are dual active duty, until they find a more suitable caretaker (not that I am unfit or anything). Never having changed a diaper, the first day went great since he had only wet diapers. However, the second day, he had three poopie diapers! Three?!?! Everyone who knows me, knows that I have the most sensitive nose! Just thinking about a foul smell would send me running and gagging, not kidding! Embarrassing as it is to admit, the head wrap used to cover my nose while I changed him didn't stop me from throwing up a little bit in my mouth, and that was before I removed the diaper! I'm getting better though. Now, I only gag once and I'm good. Maybe next time I can do without the make-shift nose wrap. Maybe.

Other baby news, our other friend just gave birth to a baby boy, her second! We just had dinner with them, and I tried to have Joey change the baby's diaper, because he's never changed one either! But, he pretended not to hear me and watched TV instead.

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